Thanks to the constantly improving laser tattoo removal techniques, there is no need to live with any body art you have come to hate. It is a simple process, totally safe and super effective. We offer professional tattoo removal in London and also take the time to educate our clients on every step of the process. Having all the information helps take away anxiety and concern, and one of the things we are often asked is what is the white frosting and does it mean the removal has gone wrong.
What is white frosting?
First things first, white frosting does not mean things are going wrong – in fact, it is perfectly normal. So, let’s look into the process a bit more. Laser tattoo removal uses very localised but rapid heat to break down the pigmentation (or colour) in the tattoo. The white frosting is the body reacting to this heat, sending plasma and gas to the affected area. It is perfectly normal, and no one really knows why some people get more than others, but it is temporary and will likely disappear again within half an hour of your treatment.
It is a good thing!
The body is complex and clever, and its functions are there to protect you from harm. Plasma flooding to the site shows your body is working well and that the technique used by our removal experts is spot on! When we use lasers, the precision and control in hitting the ink particles are critical, and when we see white frosting, we know we have succeeded. Your immune system is kicking into action and will now start to remove the pigment from your skin. So, although it looks a bit strange, rest assured that it is a positive part of the process and will pass; it is just a side effect.
Speaking of side effects
When you get a tattoo, there is a healing period; during this time, you may find it sore, itchy and scabby. In the same way, when you remove a tattoo, you should expect some minor side effects. The white frosting has been covered but let’s look at some others. Again not everyone will get them all, and there is no way of predicting them, but they are minor and temporary, and we will go through how to care for the area as it heals.
Some people find that the skin may blister, leave them alone and don’t be tempted to try and pop them! It may be sore, but it will pass. The blisters may scab, and some people don’t see the blisters, just the scabs. Again do not touch them! The fastest way to heal is to leave well enough alone.
Everyone has a different immune system response, and in some cases, there may be swelling in the area; again, that is a common side effect showing your immune system is working well. Finally, we find that most people describe the process as slightly uncomfortable but not painful. This minor discomfort can last a few days and even itch a bit. All perfectly normal, the important thing is not to touch it!